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• IPTorrents is the largest tracker specializing in general content.

•It has approximately 978,900 torrents and over 1,500,000 users.

• Maintaining ratio is easy due to the many freeleech torrents and many leecheers.

• The minimum ratio you are allowed to have is 0.96. Below 0.3 will result in account disabling.

•The staff is not too friendly


IPTorrents is a private tracker specializing in general content with a giant torrent database.
There you can find the torrents that even the other general trackers don’t have.

In countries like England, IPTorrents is banned, but you can use one of their mirror links.

IPTorrents doesn’t have a good reputation because of the staff. Only by searching the internet you will find many users dissatisfied with the abuses of the staff. I personally didn’t have a problem with them, but my suggestion is to stay away from the forums, torrent comments and anything related to staff. Many users, being on the site for nearly a decade, were banned for meaningless reasons.

To enter the site you must be invited.
All users receive invites, so it’s relatively easy to join the site. (You can participate in one of our Giveaway on the site.)

Overall, IPTorrents is a tracker where you find absolutely everything you need, and a must have tracker for everyone.