Easy way to exchange invites

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How the transaction works?

After finding your buyer or seller, you can use our guarantee services. The buyer will be provided with payment details, and the seller will be provided with a temporary email address for sending the invite. And only after confirming the receipt of a valid invite and money for it, the goods will be transferred to their final consumer, as well as the money.

In case of any difficulties during the transaction both the buyer and the seller will receive a refund of funds or goods. Further use of the account remains the responsibility of the user.


How do I create a bitcoin wallet?



Go to the site https://blockchain.info and select the "Wallet" tab in the upper-right corner. After going to a new page, select the green button " Create new Blockchain wallet»


You are now on the registration page. Unlike other e-wallets, it is quite simple. You do not need to enter personal data. After all, all payments with Bitcoin are anonymous. A valid e-mail address and a strong password are sufficient.


Congratulations! You have joined 7 million users of blockchain wallets. This is the end of the registration procedure.

We highly recommening enhancing the security of your wallet with Two-Step Verification and Backup Phrase.


How do I receive and send funds to bitcoin?

To send funds, go to the "Send" section, enter the number of the Bitcoin wallet to which the money should be transferred, specify the amount and purpose of the transfer.

To get funds, select the " Get " tab. In the window that opens, you will see your wallet number. Tell it to the person who is going to send you the money.