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Music-vid is a tracker for music video. You can find here a concerts live or official videos. It has it own closed community and forum. The tracker allows to post music-videos and doccumentaries of music artist or bands. Music-vid has a lots of sections dedicated to genres and categories. / music-vid / musicvid / MV – this is a great tracker for lovers of music video. It includes videos in a great number, as well concerts and live performances. The resource is known for its close-knit community at the local forum there is a section where you can get a fairly rare invitation to other trackers. Music-Vid is currently one of the last and best sites for music videos.

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Description / music-vid / musicvid / MV – this is a great tracker for lovers of music video. It includes videos in a great number, as well concerts and live performances. The resource is known for its close-knit community at the local forum there is a section where you can get a fairly rare invitation to other trackers. Music-Vid is currently one of the last and best sites for music videos.

Music-Vid is the best tracker for music videos whether official or live shows. The tracker also allows its users to post full music-video DVDs and documentaries of music artists/bands. It has made its mark in the BitTorrent community with its most experienced and seasoned encoders who do not compromise for the quality of the videos without caring about the file size, thereby simply giving you the best quality of music videos that you can download off the Internet.

A list of of genres and video types are available which sort the videos into various categories. Foreign (non-english) music videos are also available as the tracker has members from all the parts of the world. The foreign material collection is also good plus there is nothing to beat the English music video collection there.

Freeleech is available which lasts for 2-3 days on an average. The freeleech torrents are categorized as Golden torrents and are available either on the tracker birthday or when the site conditions (e.g. to get more members enrolled, reduce the number of dead torrents and achieving the minimum number). In addition to the above, this is a very nice tracker where you can find a lot of music videos new or old and that too in a very good quality due to the standards set by the trackers moderators to maintain the quality of the site.

Categories of the site


Invites to available for 55 $

4 reviews for

  1. MVfan

    This site is currently closed

    • admin

      Yes, right. But now its opened again.

  2. Rafael Antonio Martinez

    Good day, I need to know
    The invitation is permanent ??
    I have seen that the site says No invitations, and in that case, how is the invitation that you sell?
    Please explain to me

    • admin

      It can be. Maybe some trackers just closed invitations. But we can no updated our site so fast.
      You should ask about exact tracker you want.

      • Rafael Antonio Martinez

        Then please check the website, and make sure they provide an invitation.
        it would also be through a username and password, right ?.
        the category I need are Hip Hop / Rap

  3. Reidar Evanger

    hello are music video serie there or only music clip??

    • admin

      Music-Vid tracker has a lot of different catigories

  4. Aaron

    I would like musicvids torrent invite. Is this definitely the best price you can do? Once I’m on the site, how do I know that I’m not going to get banned straight away?

    • Reidar Evanger

      why its not music serie on Categories???

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