ScienceHD is a tracker specialized on documentary and informative films. You`ll find here over 10 000 materials of educational programs, stories, documentary videos. Another good advantage is a high quality of content. Here is another categories as books, audio, e-learning and Apple applications. / ScienceHD / SHD – is an excellent educational tracker for fans of documentary films. There are over 10,000 releases of documentary video, educational programs and interesting stories, and all this is in a wonderful quality. This site is useful stuff for fans of informative films. Administration of the resource gathers high-quality video and on the space ScienceHD have been created HD-card file of documentaries and educational programs.
Also the site contains materials from the categories: Books, Audio, E-learning, Apple applications. This is a relatively small tracker, but with a very active community of interested and dedicated people who are willing to share experiences with each other. It is not easy to survive on the resource, because the rules are aimed to getting rid of inactive users, so you can buy buffered account ScienceHD, to have unlimited access to the library website.
Categories of the tracker
ScienceHD tracker is closed
alex –
need an invite quickly! before the end of the month!