
Find this invite cheaper in our community / TorrentHR / THR – is the only one croatian general/0 day tracker, the best private tracker from the region. Now THR tracker has about 10k users and more then 30k torrents and the base is updating fast. The speeds, the pretimes and content are very good.

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Description / TorrentHR / THR – is the only one croatian general/0 day tracker, the best private tracker from the region. Now THR tracker has about 10k users and more then 30k torrents and the base is updating fast. The speeds, the pretimes and content are very good.

The tracker URL:

The tracker is Croatian lanquaged, so you have to use google chrome to auto translate it if you don’t know the Croatian . TorrentHR tracker is very good especialy for users from Croatia and neighbour countries like Serbia, Slovenia, Slovachia, Bosnia, Macedonia. You will find there many torrents from the most common categories like movies, TV, music, games, smartphones content and much other.

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